October 31, 2012

Los peligros del excesivo consumo de gaseosas

Center for Science in the Public Interest ha publicado un video sobre los estragos que puede causar un consumo excesivo de gaseosa llamado The Real Bears (Los verdaderos osos), en clara referencia a los populares osos polares de los anuncios de Coca Cola.

Video game with biofeedback teaches children to curb their anger

Children with serious anger problems can be helped by a simple video game that hones their ability to regulate their emotions
Boston Children's Hospital developed "RAGE Control" to motivate children to practice emotional control skills that they can later use in challenging life situations
The fast-paced game involves shooting at enemy spaceships while avoiding shooting at friendly ones. As children play, a monitor on one finger tracks their heart rate and displays it on the computer screen. When heart rate goes above a certain level, players lose their ability to shoot at the enemy spaceships. To improve their game, they must learn to keep calm.

October 30, 2012

DANGER ZONE, an educational online game

Students are faced with serious global issues to tackle in this character-based game. They have to use different skills to solve a challenge like combating a deadly airborne illness using test-samples, note-taking and learning along the way!
A Master's Research Project created in collaboration with the University of Toronto.

October 29, 2012

Teach kids about responsible energy use.

Designer Danny Taylor created this smiley/frowny dimmer switch concept to help teach kids about responsible energy use. When the lights are off, the dimmer switch expresses its approval with a big smile across its face. But when the lights are on, a disapproving frown will be staring at you until you stop your wasteful ways.

October 28, 2012

Tablets and Kids – The Future Consumer

Uberflip released an infographic about tablets, and how these devices are widely used by children. It provides insightful facts and figures about the adoption of tablets by children, stats on content consumption habits, as well as examples of successful apps targeted to kids.
Data sources for the infographic include Nielsen and Time Magazine and PBS.

October 26, 2012

Différenciation pédagogique : l’apport du jeu vidéo à l’Ecole

Chaque enfant qui entre à l’Ecole est différent de par son histoire personnelle, de par ses passions, ses loisirs, de par ses points forts, ses points faibles, de par ses capacités cognitives. L’enjeu de l’Ecole est ainsi de gérer cette hétérogénéité, de permettre à chacun, aussi différent soit-il, de réussir. Cependant, force est de constater que, malgré les nombreux efforts mis en place chaque année par les enseignants dans leur(s) classe(s), les résultats ne sont pas toujours à la hauteur des attentes.

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October 25, 2012

A Role-Playing-Game about bullying

Improving how teens deal with both dating and bullying can change their lives and change their futures. Using a game as a teaching platform engages teens to think about their social choices and feelings in a safe way. Learning through play builds teachable skills and social tools to address bullying and hopefully reduce its impact.

Long Story is an RPG (role-playing game) for girls & boys that models boundaries, encourages healthy intimacy and prevents bullying, harassment and assault.

October 23, 2012

Un cómic para fomentar la educación financiera

Con el objetivo de fomentar la educación financiera entre los jóvenes, Visa, HSBC y Marvel Comics presentaron la historieta ‘Los Vengadores. Salvar el día’, donde superhéroes, luchan contra un villano mientras abordan temas sobre finanzas personales.

El cómic, diseñado por el escritor James Asmus y el dibujante Andrea Di Vito, forma parte del esfuerzo de ambas instituciones para crear herramientas útiles que difundan conocimientos sobre personales, el rol de los bancos y el manejo responsable del dinero de una manera divertida.

October 22, 2012

DeBakey Drug Education Program

For years, the DeBakey Drug Education Vehicle has traveled the roads of South Alabama teaching children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
Now, students everywhere can access this state-of the-art vehicle from their classroom or home.
Presented in a kid-friendly manner through the eyes of Bobby and Whitley, this program promises to be an eye-opening experience .

October 20, 2012

What do you wish your parents knew about technology?

One of the goals of "A Platform for Good" is to encourage conversation about technology. The are running a sweepstakes to involve teens in that process.
A Platform for Good is asking young people to help us identify the areas where adults’ technology skills are lacking by answering the question: what do you wish your parents knew about technology? 
To enter, teens have to be between the ages of 13 and 21 and have an active email address and send a response of 140 characters or less.
Everyone who submits a response will be automatically entered to win an XBox Kinect. The sweepstakes closes on November 1st.

October 19, 2012

The 200 best education Apps

Eric Sailers details hundreds of helpful apps that are perfect for special education teachers and more.

October 18, 2012

The Marshmallow Study Revisited: Delaying Gratification Depends as Much On Nurture as On Nature

For the past four decades, the "marshmallow test" has served as a classic experimental measure of children's self-control: will a preschooler eat one of the fluffy white confections now or hold out for two later?

Now a new study demonstrates that being able to delay gratification is influenced as much by the environment as by innate ability.

Russia Accuses Tobacco Makers of Hooking Women, Children

Philip Morris International Inc. (PM), British American Tobacco (BATS) and other cigarette makers hooked Russian women and children on smoking, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said, vowing to crack down on the habit.

In Russia, the world’s second-largest market for cigarette makers after China, 39 percent of the population are regular smokers, according to the World Health Organization. About 400,000 Russians, or 0.3 percent of the population, die each year from smoking-related diseases, Medvedev said. That compares with 114,000, or 0.2 percent in the U.K.

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October 17, 2012

Nestle to cut sugar and salt in breakfast cereals

Nestle SA and General Mills Inc will cut sugar and salt in the children's breakfast cereals they jointly market outside North America, the latest attempt by major food companies to respond to health concerns.

They will reformulate 20 cereal brands popular with children and teenagers by 2015, boosting wholegrains and calcium and aiming for average reductions of 24 percent in sugar and 12 percent in sodium.
The reformulation will affect about 5.3 billion portions of cereals sold each year.

October 16, 2012

12 most important things to know about kids today

Kids today aren’t like they used to be, and Angela Maiers share with us why.

Angela Maiers is an award-winning educator, speaker, consultant and professional trainer known for her work in literacy, leadership and global communications.

October 14, 2012

A cross-media project on sustainable energy and energy saving

ENERGY BITS is a cross-media project on sustainable energy and energy saving, supported by the EU's Intelligent Europe Programme,with the aim to stimulate behavioural change and promote innovative pratices among the 14-17 years old. Its ressource platform propose a collection of 24 documentaries, a webdocumentary, participative tools and a serious game in 9 languages.

October 8, 2012

ElectroCity: teaches players all about energy, sustainability and environmental management

A hands-on management style game, Electrocity puts students in control of their own virtual town or city. Helps them get to grips with geographical and social problems like spatial planning, urban development and ecological responsibility.

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October 5, 2012

Digital Passport For Children: a New Way to Teach Digital Literacy and Citizenship Encourages Responsible Online Behavior

Common Sense Media has launched Digital Passport, a web-based interactive learning experience geared toward elementary schools. 

The service uses videos and games to encourage responsible practices while using the Internet.
Digital Passport allows teachers to set up groups of students with accounts to an online “Passport.” Over time, students earn badges while progressing through game levels. Each game section begins with a short video of an older teenager discussing a situation where their online practices landed them in trouble. 

October 4, 2012

Kids cook Monday: Because Kids are much more likely to eat what they make.

The Kids Cook Monday initiative encourages families to set aside the first night of every week for cooking and eating together as a family. The Kids Cook Monday provides examples of family friendly recipes and video demonstrations along with a free starter family dinner toolkit- making it easy for families to cook and eat together every Monday.

The Kids Cook Monday is a project of of The Monday Campaigns. The Monday Campaigns is in association with Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications.

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October 3, 2012

LazyTown Airship Challenge, a new game available across mobile platforms

AirShip Challenge promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for kids of all ages. The player navigates the Sportacus AirShip through the clouds above LazyTown and collects points by capturing falling SportsCandy.
Magnus Scheving, CEO, creator and star of LazyTown says, “We know from the thousands of emails that we receive from parents that Sportacus is a fantastic role model for kids. The Airship Challenge is a fantastic way to keep children entertained while travelling or at home while teaching them the benefits of eating food that is good for them.”

October 2, 2012

Anti-Obesity Ads Blaming Overweight Parents

New Anti-Obesity Ads Blaming Overweight Parents Spark Criticism The ads were created by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota "Our intent in creating these ads was really just to show good parents having moments of realization that they needed to change their own behavior in order to send the right message to their kid," Marc Manley says (Vice President and Chief Pevention Officer) He says, the problem of obesity in Minnesota and nationwide is so tough, they needed a new, more dramatic approach.

See Video

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October 1, 2012

Fun games that improve athletic ability and build self-confidence

Crazy Games is a children's exercise program that is a combination of several different sports. It mixes up all the sports and combines the required skills from a number of sports to create games children love to play. It enhances the fundamental athletic skills used in soccer, baseball, hockey, volleyball , golf, and football. In addition, children have fun improving their athletic ability by participating in sprint races, tag games, water balloon fights, etc.