March 28, 2013

America's Most Wanted Tobacco Villains

Tobacco companies continue to heavily promote traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes and smokeless tobacco (also called chewing or spit tobacco). As cigarette smoking has declined, they also have introduced a new generation of tobacco products that put kids at risk, including cheap, sweet small cigars and novel forms of smokeless tobacco, some of which look and are packaged like candy.
(The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)

March 27, 2013

“El hijo analógico”, humor sobre las redes sociales

El humorista José Mota parodia en un sketch la brecha digital entre generaciones:

“Papá, es que prefiero quedar con mis amigos en persona”, argumenta el adolescente. “Yo a tu edad tenía 400 followers en Twitter”, responde el enfadado padre, descontento porque su hijo maneja una agenda con apenas 18 números de teléfono de sus amigos.

March 24, 2013

Construye tu mundo, un programa de la FAD sobre prevención de conductas de riesgo.

Este Programa de la Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD) reúne diversas actuaciones dirigidas a prevenir los problemas vinculados al consumo de drogas y las conductas de riesgo en el ámbito escolar. Su desarrollo y aplicación ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de la Fundación Reina Sofía.
Está dirigido al profesorado de infantil, primaria y secundaria, y pretende contribuir a desarrollar en niños y dolescentes una personalidad autónoma, crítica y reflexiva.

'570 children a day' start smoking

About 207,000 11 to 15-year-olds take up smoking every year in the UK, a charity has warned.
Cancer Research UK said government figures suggested 570 children smoked for the first time every day.

Teens and Technology 2013

Smartphone adoption among American teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive. One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say they mostly go online using their phone and not using some other device such as a desktop or laptop computer.

These are among the new findings from a nationally representative Pew Research Center survey. Key findings include:
78% of teens now have a cell phone.
23% of teens have a tablet computer,
95% of teens use the internet.
93% of teens have a computer or have access to one at home. 

March 16, 2013

Video Games & the Future of learning

An interesting overview of the reasons and ways that games can be effective tools for pedagogy, followed by a summary of some of the Games for Learning Institute* current research projects.

*The Games for Learning Institute study games for learning, develop design patterns, build game prototypes, and test them in a variety of learning settings.

March 9, 2013

Aventura en la planta de separación de envases

Kidekom ha realizado para Ecoembes un kit pedagógico sobre la separación y el reciclaje de los envases dirigido a niños de entre 6 y 12 años.

El kit incluye:
. Vídeo de animación en 3D.
. Folleto lúdico-educativo.
. Caja de lápices.

"Aventuras en la planta de separación de envases" es el 3º DVD protagonizado por Álex y Róbix, personajes creados por Kidekom. El objetivo es enseñar a los niños a reciclar y motivarles para que separen y depositen los envases en el contenedor correspondiente. 

Desde 2006, los diferentes materiales de "Álex y Róbix" se difunden en Internet, en centros escolares y en diferentes campañas de sensibilización para el público general.

March 8, 2013

PlayBrave: a massively multiplayer online social game to build a kinder, braver world.

PlayBrave is a massively multiplayer online social game about playing together to build a kinder, braver world throw missions.  Some of the missions will be simple like "Take a picture of the bravest outfit you can and post it on Instagram", while others might be more complex like "Shoot a video of you and your friends making a mural about bravery and post it on YouTube".
So missions can be just about anything, but they all have a couple of things in common:
- All missions require you to create something (like an image or a video).
- All missions require you to post your creation on a specific social media site for all the world to see.

Mind The Gap: Gender & Education Game

To mark International Women’s Day, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics will release an interactive tool to highlight the progress and pitfalls in girls’ and women’s education. This tool uses a game approach to engage a general audience of a wide age range (including teachers, students, activists, pupils, etc) concerning gender disparities in enrolment and transition rates from primary to secondary and tertiary education. Users put themselves into the game by creating their own characters and then compare their situation with those of other characters around the world. They can also explore the data further by using a ‘time machine’ to change the settings of their characters. 

This tool will be available in English, French and Spanish.

March 5, 2013

Benefits of School Breakfast

There are many benefits to children eating a healthy breakfast. School breakfast positively impacts:
- Test scores
- School attendance
- Attention
- Diet quality
- Discipline
- Health