Les bibliothèques publiques de Montréal ont mis en ligne Escouade B, «A l’assaut du Web », un serious game (jeu sérieux) gratuit destiné aux jeunes de 8 à 13 ans visant à développer chez ce public, l’analyse critique des informations trouvées sur Internet et plus spécifiquement sur les sites Web.
December 18, 2013
December 16, 2013
Gaming to Engage the Healthcare Consumer
This ICF International white paper examines the growing trend of gamification in the healthcare industry. Topics include:
▪ Healthcare gaming examples
▪ Key market drivers
▪ Gaming trends in achieving healthier populations
Health-related apps are rising in popularity, and customers crave more than affordable healthcare: They want training simulations and telehealth tools to motivate them to meet their fitness goals.
Gamification—the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to common business dilemmas and social challenges—has long been in use by the U.S. military, the airline industry, and even higher education institutions. However, the healthcare industry is just starting to follow suit.
Authors: Paul Cummings, Mick Golson, David Goodman, Lisa Nonamaker, ICF International
Easy Eater 2 App gets Kids to eat more fruits and vegetables
JiveHealth release Easy Eater 2 app. Designed for iPhone and iPod Touch, Easy Eater 2 is a game that helps parents get their children ages 4 to 10 to eat more fruits and vegetables and makes healthy eating an enjoyable activity for the whole family. Easy Eater 2 is free and available in the App Store
December 2, 2013
¿Cómo prevenir el acoso a menores por Internet?
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