December 31, 2012

"Te Protejo", una iniciativa para la protección, a través de Internet, de la infancia y la adolescencia en Colombia.

"Te Protejo", es una iniciativa colombiana del Ministerio TIC, ICBF, Fundación Telefónica, Red PaPaz y el Foro de Generaciones Interactivas de España que cuenta con el apoyo de la Policía Nacional.

"Te Protejo" es la primera línea de denuncia virtual y anónima en Colombia para la protección de la infancia y la adolescencia, así mismo, es la primera en América Latina en ser miembro de INHOPE, un organismo internacional creado en 1999 que regula 41 líneas de denuncias de pornografía infantil en 36 países.

December 28, 2012

An entertaining approach to teaching basic economic principles

For the past twenty-nine years, PNC Wealth Management has determined how much it would cost to buy each of the gifts in the holiday song The Twelve Days of Christmas.  The PNC Christmas Price Index is meant as an entertaining approach to teaching basic economic principles. Educators can  use the Christmas Price Index to teach economic trends to middle and high school students.

This year, you are invited to go on a worldwide gift hunt using the web. The  site includes interactive activities, annual results and PNC CPI trends in a Flash presentation, MP3 downloads, etc.

A campaign to urge Nickelodeon to stop advertising junk food to children.

Center for Science in the Public Interest organize a campaign in Internet to urge Nickelodeon to follow Disney's lead and stop advertising junk food to children.

This year, the Walt Disney Company announced it will no longer accept advertisements for junk food on its child-directed television, radio, and online sites.  Disney also updated its nutrition standards for foods that can be advertised to children.

As the number one entertainment company for children, the CSPI consider that Nickelodeon has enormous influence over children’s food choices and ask to write to Nickelodeon and urge them to stop advertising unhealthy food and drinks to kids.

December 27, 2012

Getting kids outdoors makes them happier, healthier – and smarter

Younger generations spend more time with their cell phones and headphones today, rather than constructing forts in the woods, or listening for the sounds of bird calls and frog croaks. Research has demonstrated that time spent in nature fosters the healthy development of children. Outdoor play helps children manage stress and become resilient. Natural spaces stimulate children's limitless imaginations and foster creativity. Children who connect with nature may be more inventive and better problem-solvers due to the hands-on learning that local nature provides.

Social Media Could Help Curb Childhood Obesity, Heart Association Says

The American Heart Association has published a statement suggesting that social media might be an effective tool in the fight against childhood obesity.

According to the statement, variables that contribute to the success of a Web-based obesity intervention strategy include:
- Family involvement with the intervention;
- The degree of interaction between the children and their counselor or support group; and
- The frequency with which children used the online programs.

December 15, 2012

FTC's Second Kids' App Report Finds Little Progress in Addressing Privacy Concerns Surrounding Mobile Applications for Children

Kids' Data Still Collected, Shared without Parents' Knowledge, Consent.

The Federal Trade Commission issued a new staff report examining the privacy disclosures and practices of apps offered for children in the Google Play and Apple App stores.  The report details the results of the FTC’s second survey of kids’ mobile apps. 

December 13, 2012

Obesity in Young Is Seen as Falling in Several American Cities

After decades of rising childhood obesity rates, several American cities are reporting their first declines.

The trend has emerged in big cities like New York and Los Angeles, as well as smaller places like Anchorage, Alaska, and Kearney, Neb. The state of Mississippi has also registered a drop, but only among white students.

December 9, 2012

How Families Interact on Facebook

Every day, people use Facebook to connect with a variety of people in their lives—close friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
Facebook Data Science wanted to understand how parents and children on Facebook communicate. They investigated anonymized and automatically processed posts and comments by people self-identified as parents and children to understand how conversation patterns with each other might be a bit different from those with their other friends.
- Who friends whom?
- Who talks to whom?
- And what do they say?

December 6, 2012

Videogames in Europe: 2012 Consumer Study

The Videogames in Europe Consumer Study is a multi-country survey run by Ipsos MediaCT and commissioned by ISFE. It is designed to provide a better understanding of the societal context in which games are being played today in 16 European countries. It provides detailed consumer statistics about gaming habits, broader media interests, online gameplay, gaming in a family context and the PEGI age rating system.

December 2, 2012

Obese children more vulnerable to food advertising

Amanda S. Bruce, PhD, and colleagues from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the University of Kansas Medical Center assessed 10 healthy weight and 10 obese children, ages 10-14 years, using both self-reported measures of self-control and functional magnetic resonance imaging, which uses blood flow as a measure of brain activity. Dr. Bruce states, “We were interested in how brain responses to food logos would differ between obese and healthy weight children.” The children were shown 60 food logos and 60 nonfood logos, and functional magnetic resonance imaging scans indicated which sections of the brain reacted to the familiar logos being shown.

December 1, 2012

Train safety warning: 'Dumb Ways to Die' cartoon

For many years, Australia's safety campaign adverts have tried to shock people into quitting unsafe habits or behaviour - from smoking to drink-driving.
But now a train company, Metro Trains Melbourne, has gone with a different approach with its message on rail safety, releasing a cartoon song called 'Dumb Ways to Die'. Duncan Kennedy reports from Sydney.

November 30, 2012

Serious Game pour travailler les Maths et la Physique

Enseigner avec les jeux vidéo. Des serious gamme pour toutes les matières et ici utilisables en mathématiques et en physique.
Cet article est le fruit de la collaboration de Patrick Marchal, game designer et ancien chef de projets chez Monte Cristo.

November 27, 2012

Active video games don't increase overall daily physical activity levels

Active video games are often presented as a possible solution to getting kids to move more; however, following a rigorous scientific review, Active Healthy Kids Canada - and its strategic partners the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute (HALO-CHEO) and ParticipACTION - advises against them as a strategy to help kids be more physically active.

"The research shows the movement in active video games may get heart rates up briefly, but usually not enough to meaningfully contribute to the 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity children and youth require daily," says Dr. Mark Tremblay, Chief Scientific Officer, Active Healthy Kids Canada, and Director of HALO.

November 23, 2012

Une BD qui raconte la vie d'une enfant malade dans le service pédiatrique d'un CHU

Cette Bande-Dessinée parle sur un ton juste de la maladie ainsi que de l'hospitalisation. Elle ne sombre pas dans le mélodrame. La qualité des dialogues et des dessins donne une vrai dimension humaine à ce sujet délicat.

Hoy MacDonald celebra el McHappy Day

Cada año, en el Día Mundial del Niño, los restaurantes McDonald’s® de todo el mundo organizan una gran celebración benéfica. En España se convierte en el McHappy Day.

Durante ese día, tomar un Big Mac significa ayudar, ya que su importe se dona íntegramente a la Fundación Infantil Ronald McDonald para la construcción y mantenimiento de Casas Ronald McDonald.
Las Casas Ronald McDonald acogen de forma totalmente gratuita a familias con niños que necesitan recibir un tratamiento médico de larga duración. 

November 22, 2012

Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy

Parents have a range of concerns about how their children’s online  activities might affect their privacy and many have taken steps to monitor  their children and encourage online safety.
A new survey of 802 parents and their teens.
(Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project / Washington)

November 21, 2012

Why Does Game Based Learning Work?

Games work well as learning tools because they tap into certain techniques that actually line up well with what we know about teaching and learning. There are several learning theories that  explain why games are natural learning environment.
- Situated Learning Theory – Learners benefit from a practical approach where they can apply what they’re learning, in the context where it is needed.
- Active Learning Theory – Doing an activity is a better way to learn than talking or thinking about it.
- Mastery Learning – In order to progress to more advanced material, a learner has to show that they’ve mastered the current material.

November 20, 2012

Jouer en classe, est-ce bien sérieux ?

Une expérimentation d’usages de jeux sérieux par des enseignants et leurs élèves a été conduite dans l’académie d’Aix-Marseille de septembre 2010 à juin 2012 avec un triple objectif:
- mesurer  les  apports  et  les  limites  des jeux sérieux dans les apprentissages,  
- repérer  les  dispositifs  pédagogiques  pertinents  et  lister  les  freins  éventuels,   
- contribuer  à  la  réflexion  au  plan  national en faisant état de retours d’usages. 

Les enseignants ayant participé à l’expérimentation ont répondu à un questionnaire.  86% des répondants ont été satisfaits de l’utilisation des jeux en classe.

20 de Noviembre: Día Universal De Los Derechos Del Niño

La celebración de este día conmemora la aprobación de las Naciones Unidas de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño. La convención significa un cambio en la consideración de los niños y las niñas comos sujetos activos con plenos derechos.

La Fundación Realmadrid y HSBC firmaron el convenio para crear escuelas sociodeportivas en España

La Fundación Realmadrid y la institución HSBC, han firmado un convenio de colaboración para crear cinco escuelas sociodeportivas en España. 

Este convenio se enmarca dentro del programa de Responsabilidad Corporativa de HSBC denominado Future First Special Funding Cycle, y que está dirigido a ayudar a los niños y niñas en riesgo de exclusión social y con menos recursos.

Se crearán cinco escuelas de fútbol ubicadas en Cantabría, la Comunidad de Madrid, las Islas Baleares y La Rioja, y que comenzarán sus actividades en enero de 2013. En total, se beneficiarán 400 niños y niñas de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 16 años.

November 16, 2012

Chiquitube, una nueva plataforma de vídeos dirigida a niños de 0 a 5 años.

Chiquitube es nueva plataforma de vídeos extraídos de YouTube dirigida a niños de 0 a 5 años principalmente.

Los equipos de  educadores de Chiquitube seleccionan solo los vídeos más aptos para que los más pequeños naveguen de forma segura. 

Una aplicación para móvil mejora las habilidades sociales de niños autistas y con síndrome de Down

Investigadores de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) han desarrollado una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que permite mejorar las competencias básicas, como el lenguaje, conocimiento del entorno, autonomía y habilidades sociales, de niños con Trastorno de Espectro Autista y con síndrome de Down.

Esta aplicación, denominada Picaa y disponible en el App Store de forma gratuita, puede utilizarse en los dispositivos electrónicos iPhone, iPad y iPod touch.

November 14, 2012

New Study Shows Significant Gaps in Perceptions about Teens’ Online Behavior

Research released by the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) explores the online generation gap between parents and teens and reveals a number of disparities in their views about online safety. These gaps in perception demonstrate that great advancements can and should be made to improve communication between parents and teens about online behavior.

Key survey findings include:
- Teens think parents are less informed.
- A disconnect exists in online safety conversations.
- Parents underestimate teens’ concerns about potential consequences of their online activities.
- Parents are monitoring more than teens think.

November 13, 2012

Risk-Glorifying Video Games May Lead Teens to Drive Recklessly, New Research Shows

Teens who play mature-rated, risk-glorifying video games may be more likely than those who don’t to become reckless drivers who experience increases in automobile accidents, police stops and willingness to drink and drive, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

November 12, 2012

Study finds that 85% quit social games after one day

Playnomics, the market leader in predictive analytics for games,  released their  user data report. This report is a digest of data collected from millions of social game players in the Playnomics game network during the third
quarter of 2012 (July 1- September 30).

Engagement is the key focus of Playnomics research because in today’s social game marketplace, it’s evermore clear that early segmentation and targeted messaging are key to engaging, far and beyond one-off experiences.

November 10, 2012

Social determinants of health

Health is about more than having access to doctors, drugs and hospitals. 
Our health is shaped by a complex set of interconnected and dynamic social factors: the circumstances in which people live, grow, work, and age. 
Research tells us that by addressing these social conditions, we can improve people's health and well-being and reduce health inequities.

See  this interesting video explaining social determinants of health (Wellesley Institute  / Toronto)

November 9, 2012

Philips enseñará a los escolares los hábitos de vida saludables

El 60 por ciento de los niños españoles no duerme las 10 horas recomendadas y, de ellos, el 30 por ciento tiene síntomas de somnolencia diurna, advierte el director del Instituto de Investigaciones del Sueño, el doctor Diego García Borreguero, con motivo de la presentación del programa educativo 'I Have a Dream' de Philips con el que se pretende impulsar buenos hábitos en este campo.

Kids who smoke menthol more likely to get hooked

Kids who experiment with menthol cigarettes are more likely to become habitual smokers than their peers who start out with the regular variety, new research findings suggest.

In a study of tens of thousands of U.S. students, researchers found that kids who were dabbling with menthol cigarettes were 80 percent more likely to become regular smokers over the next few years, versus those experimenting with regular cigarettes.
(RTI International in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)

November 8, 2012

Wrigley impulsa el programa Ecoescuelas

Wrigley, empresa líder en el sector de la confitería, ha puesto en marcha en España la campaña Litter Less (menos desechos) con el apoyo de la fundación internacional Wrigley Company Foundation y de la Asociación de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor.
La campaña Litter Less, implementada en 15 países, tiene el objetivo de involucrar y concienciar a niños de 5 a 12 años sobre los residuos y su impacto en el medioambiente, el correcto desecho de los mismos y otras medidas que contribuyan a la mejora de la sostenibilidad en los centros escolares.

Pocoyó colabora con Unicef y apoya a la infancia más vulnerable

La iniciativa puesta en marcha por la empresa de juguetes Comansi y la productora Zinkia, es una forma de colaborar con UNICEF España y con la infancia más vulnerable.
En la web el usuario puede crear su propia figura personalizada de Pocoyó de 12 cm de altura y apoyar la causa de los niños, ya que Comansi donará el 10% de cada figura vendida a los programas de UNICEF en la lucha contra la desnutrición infantil.

November 7, 2012

What would Batman eat?: priming children to make healthier fast food choices

An article in Pediatric Obesity show how the authors investigated whether either of two priming tactics – the priming of a role model's food choices or the priming of healthy foods – could influence children to make healthier fast food choices.
When children were asked what various admirable people – such as Batman or Spiderman – would eat, 45% chose apple slices over French fries.
Advising a parent to ask their child ‘What would Batman (or another admired character or person) eat?’ might be an easy step to take in what could be a healthier fast food world.

Children, Teens, and Entertainment Media: The View From The Classroom

This study documents the views of classroom teachers about the role of at-home entertainment media use - TV shows, video games, texting, social networking, music, and other media  - in kids' and teens' academic and social development at school. We surveyed a nationally representative sample of teachers for their perceptions on this issue.

A Common Sense Media Research Study

Kokori: videojuego para aprender biología celular

Kokori es un videojuego creado por un equipo de investigadores argentinos y chilenos. Permite conocer el interior de las células humanas a través de nanorobots. Es un ejemplo de la articulación de las nuevas tecnologías con el aprendizaje en las aulas, motivo por el cual fue premiado en un concurso organizado por Conectar Igualdad.

El videojuego fue financiado por FONDEF de Chile. Participó un equipo interdisciplinario de profesionales de Argentina y Chile, pertenecientes a las universidades de Buenos Aires y Santo Tomás, respectivamente, y  la empresa Austral Biotech.

November 6, 2012

Entrega de premios del Concurso Escolar Consumópolis

"Muchas veces, las alternativas de ocio saludable están delante de nuestros ojos, pero somos incapaces de verlos", ha señalado hoy la ministra de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Ana Mato, al referirse a uno de los trabajos premiados en la VII Edición del Concurso Escolar Consumópolis (realizado por Kidekom). Los ganadores de este certamen han recibido hoy los galardones en un acto celebrado en el Ministerio.

Barçakids, un programa para fomentar la educación en valores

Barçakids es un programa desarrollado por la Fundación del FCBarcelona dirigido a niños y niñas de 6 a 12 años (Educación Primaria), que pretende fomentar y consolidar su sistema de valores a través de los principios pedagógicos del deporte, del juego y de la participación activa e inclusiva.

Do Educational Video Games Actually Work?

Gaming in the classroom as a teaching tool is gaining popularity; however, some question whether or not it's actually effective.

Online College Courses present an interesting infographic.

November 5, 2012

FamScape Social Game For Improving Real-World Health

Health insurance firm Humana has launched FamScape, a social game designed to "motivate families to achieve healthy-living goals"
FamScape allows players to interact with others in user-created villages, take part in custom challenges for real-world activities (e.g. attending yoga class, practicing music, surfing), and receive points by completing challenges -- which they can exchange for in-game items.

November 2, 2012

Campaña de Cruz Roja Juventud ¿Estás ON?

Cruz Roja Juventud (CRJ), desde su Programa de Promoción y Educación para la Salud, pone en marcha la campaña ¿Estás ON? cuyo objetivo prioritario es sensibilizar, principalmente, a la población adolescente y joven sobre la importancia de mantener hábitos alimentarios y cotidianos saludables.

October 31, 2012

Los peligros del excesivo consumo de gaseosas

Center for Science in the Public Interest ha publicado un video sobre los estragos que puede causar un consumo excesivo de gaseosa llamado The Real Bears (Los verdaderos osos), en clara referencia a los populares osos polares de los anuncios de Coca Cola.

Video game with biofeedback teaches children to curb their anger

Children with serious anger problems can be helped by a simple video game that hones their ability to regulate their emotions
Boston Children's Hospital developed "RAGE Control" to motivate children to practice emotional control skills that they can later use in challenging life situations
The fast-paced game involves shooting at enemy spaceships while avoiding shooting at friendly ones. As children play, a monitor on one finger tracks their heart rate and displays it on the computer screen. When heart rate goes above a certain level, players lose their ability to shoot at the enemy spaceships. To improve their game, they must learn to keep calm.

October 30, 2012

DANGER ZONE, an educational online game

Students are faced with serious global issues to tackle in this character-based game. They have to use different skills to solve a challenge like combating a deadly airborne illness using test-samples, note-taking and learning along the way!
A Master's Research Project created in collaboration with the University of Toronto.

October 29, 2012

Teach kids about responsible energy use.

Designer Danny Taylor created this smiley/frowny dimmer switch concept to help teach kids about responsible energy use. When the lights are off, the dimmer switch expresses its approval with a big smile across its face. But when the lights are on, a disapproving frown will be staring at you until you stop your wasteful ways.

October 28, 2012

Tablets and Kids – The Future Consumer

Uberflip released an infographic about tablets, and how these devices are widely used by children. It provides insightful facts and figures about the adoption of tablets by children, stats on content consumption habits, as well as examples of successful apps targeted to kids.
Data sources for the infographic include Nielsen and Time Magazine and PBS.

October 26, 2012

Différenciation pédagogique : l’apport du jeu vidéo à l’Ecole

Chaque enfant qui entre à l’Ecole est différent de par son histoire personnelle, de par ses passions, ses loisirs, de par ses points forts, ses points faibles, de par ses capacités cognitives. L’enjeu de l’Ecole est ainsi de gérer cette hétérogénéité, de permettre à chacun, aussi différent soit-il, de réussir. Cependant, force est de constater que, malgré les nombreux efforts mis en place chaque année par les enseignants dans leur(s) classe(s), les résultats ne sont pas toujours à la hauteur des attentes.

Plus d'information

October 25, 2012

A Role-Playing-Game about bullying

Improving how teens deal with both dating and bullying can change their lives and change their futures. Using a game as a teaching platform engages teens to think about their social choices and feelings in a safe way. Learning through play builds teachable skills and social tools to address bullying and hopefully reduce its impact.

Long Story is an RPG (role-playing game) for girls & boys that models boundaries, encourages healthy intimacy and prevents bullying, harassment and assault.

October 23, 2012

Un cómic para fomentar la educación financiera

Con el objetivo de fomentar la educación financiera entre los jóvenes, Visa, HSBC y Marvel Comics presentaron la historieta ‘Los Vengadores. Salvar el día’, donde superhéroes, luchan contra un villano mientras abordan temas sobre finanzas personales.

El cómic, diseñado por el escritor James Asmus y el dibujante Andrea Di Vito, forma parte del esfuerzo de ambas instituciones para crear herramientas útiles que difundan conocimientos sobre personales, el rol de los bancos y el manejo responsable del dinero de una manera divertida.

October 22, 2012

DeBakey Drug Education Program

For years, the DeBakey Drug Education Vehicle has traveled the roads of South Alabama teaching children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
Now, students everywhere can access this state-of the-art vehicle from their classroom or home.
Presented in a kid-friendly manner through the eyes of Bobby and Whitley, this program promises to be an eye-opening experience .

October 20, 2012

What do you wish your parents knew about technology?

One of the goals of "A Platform for Good" is to encourage conversation about technology. The are running a sweepstakes to involve teens in that process.
A Platform for Good is asking young people to help us identify the areas where adults’ technology skills are lacking by answering the question: what do you wish your parents knew about technology? 
To enter, teens have to be between the ages of 13 and 21 and have an active email address and send a response of 140 characters or less.
Everyone who submits a response will be automatically entered to win an XBox Kinect. The sweepstakes closes on November 1st.

October 19, 2012

The 200 best education Apps

Eric Sailers details hundreds of helpful apps that are perfect for special education teachers and more.